Project 9: Music Interpretation


The goal of the final project, music interpretation, was to choose a song and visually create the song into a composition. For example, for given tone changes, rhythms and musical gestures, reconstruct those into the composition to create a visual representation.

My chosen song was “Sherry” by Jersey Boys, a song that I believed had many overdramatized musical elements, which would allow me to take advantage of the assignment. The quartet’s combination of voices allows for such a range of pitch, which allowed me to play with the positioning of the word/letters to mimic the changes throughout the song. To represent the backup singers, I decreased the size of their lyrics, putting them very close to the main singer’s part to show that they are there to complement his words.

I also chose to put in the background a shadow of a girl in a skirt, replicating the girl in the song. The orange, salmon, white, grey, and black are the colors I most think of when I listen to their music, which is why I complimented the shadow with blocks of these colors.

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